🎨 Graphics: So-so. Even if P4 is a debatably old game, the graphics are alright. For a game that is supposed to have an anime art style, I really can't complain, and don't think other games that fit the same category can get any better than that.
🎵 Sound: Oh my GOD the sound. This game's sound is absurdly amazing. There is absolutely no way to dislike any of the original soundtracks that Persona 4 throws your way. 14h in, and I gotta say that for the first 7 or so hours of gameplay, the sound was what hooked me in and made me continue playing because it is simply SO GOOD. It is not a myth that the Persona franchise doesn't have bad OSTs. I love upbeat songs with slightly melancholic lyrics!!!!
🤼 Combat Mechanics: That's one negative point for me, but might not be for everyone. First things first I want to say that I am not a fan of turn based combat whatsoever, but even I can recognize that P4G did a great job in innovating a few mechanics of the combat. The menus are easy to navigate through, and there aren't a lot of buttons that you have to spend a lot of time reading to comprehend how each works. I gotta say that one of the things that please me in combat is how hitting your enemy with their weakness actually does anything other than just critical damage. Overall, I can't complain much, I stand on the middle grounds, but be aware that the combat is unforgiving if you don't grind all that much.
📖 Storyline: So far, the storyline is pretty engaging. I can't comment heavily on it because I'm still at the very start of the game, but from what I've seen: The story roams around a group of teenagers in the town of Inaba trying to solve a murder case. However, each time it fogs up after it rains, a new case appears, and more conflict is brought into the story alongside more characters and development.
⏱️ Load Times: Not longer than 10-15 seconds at the lowest system requirements.
💬 Dialogue & Writing: The dialogue feels too real. By playing the game you will see that the developers knew exactly what they were doing. Not only does every character sound real, it also feels like they think and have their own lives, personalities, duties, weight in the world, etc. The writing and dialogue are impeccable. It's the least expected from a visual novel.
📱 Mobile Integration: Only through emulation-- Most likely requires high quality hardware.
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