The Immortal Mayor has many interesting things going for it. The cultivation aspect of villagers gives you a long term goal instead of building a self-sustained economy and then just building for pretties. Most importantly the "decorations" -system is something that gave me a lot of extra joy for figuring out how to place the buildings. Instead of just putting everything down as tight as possible the decoration bonuses offered a fresh view on how to build the city.
Some of the other review worries:
- food procution is not efficient enough -> decorations
- my villagers died by themselves -> new need not satisfied causing deterioration of work efficiency -> death spiral
Definite yes if you are looking for some extra for city builders. Did fall out of interest after 50+h for me as I felt I was only waiting for villagers to learn and/or become believers. (almost maxed out research)
Played on second hardest difficulty which I found challenging enough for my liking.
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tom falcon
tom falcon
why i cant log in thru taptap?it always say "the game is not available"?
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