I feel like an idiot. The reason is simple, it's 2am and I decided to review. Drove!!!!
I delayed 2 weeks to review and in these two weeks I learned the game even better. What we will see here:
1) Surely you have seen an advertisement for this game, where you are offered 4096 tickets for scrolling characters. I put before the fact: it seems to be true, and at the same time a lie. The reason? I explain: yes, they give you 4096 tickets, but they are not given immediately, in order to get them, you need to enter the game for about 350 days (that is, every day you are given 10-15 tickets). Therefore... this advertisement served a little like a small font in a mortgage agreement.
2) As you understand, this is a typical gacha game with a simple type of battle. Gachi here - as much as you could not imagine: ordinary tickets, where they fall from ordinary to mythical characters, golden tickets, where "UNUSUAL," legendary, rare and mythical characters fall, unknown to me ticket for a random legendary character. 2 characters (like 2) for entering the game. 4 stages with 190 jackets each day (p.s. of those 190, you only pick 1 of the 10 options you like best), and the same stages, only with a big rest timer. Mythical characters in the latter version fall most often.
3) Well, being citizens of anime-mens with you, we know why we came here.... PLOT... oh, sorry, beautiful girls (or rather, breast shapes, beautiful landscapes of the asses of heroines and sexual poses).
4) The gameplay itself is probably the simplest thing there is: expose the characters to whatever soul you like, expose the desired location of the fighters and, as it were, everything, then the fighters fight themselves.
5) Improving heroes is also very simple: improving the level of heroes, getting equipment and weapons for them, improving all this shit and, as it were... End
6) I do not want to describe this item with events in detail, so I will write briefly - there are many of them, the developer did everything to keep the players here for a long time.
Cons... They are not critical to the game, but rather purely my opinion:
1) Too much donation, a lot of donation, and donation is not the cheapest here, but honestly - there is no sense from it, because you can already knock the heroes out of free jokes, and skins are a matter of amateurs
2) Still, the game could not keep me for a long time, there is simply nothing to do in the game like for me. Yes, the developers of this game are GREAT, because they do everything possible so that the players stay here for a long time, but... with this approach of the plot and "fucking, there is nothing to do in this game," if they do nothing, the players will scatter "
Bottom line: free 10-15 cool gold tickets every day, a lot of stupid donation and a boring plot. I put 4 sexual elfies out of 5.
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