🎮 Gameplay: pretty good thats if u have a good character like holy shit some guys melt your hp before u even know it ig its good u should try it if your into competitive stuff and do not try to attack a group of people the jumping will be foul gng focus on gearing up and bro some characters make me ponder on what the fuck this games developers are doing like WHY THE FUCK DOES THIS CHARACTAR TELEPORT AWAY WHEN THERE ONE TICK AWAY AND WHEN THEY COME BACK stun stun run run repeat LIKE WTF DAWG MY CHARACTAR DOES NOT HAVE A ANSWER TO THISSSSSSSSSSS
📖 Storyline: pretty sure it has a story im not keeping up with it but u should check it out
🕹️ Controls: very simple
🎨 Graphics: its  alright but nothing to talk about
🎵 Sound: good
👥 Multiplayer: great
🤼 Combat Mechanics: basically its who has the better character and gear
💰 Value for Money: i wouldn’t say the game is p2w buttt the skins are really cool and expensive ig
this might just be my shitty device but i have but this game is really laggy sometimes and i have to relaunch it🤷🏽‍♂️
7.5 out 10 in my opinion and it always manages to bring me back
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