Ni siquiera pude probarlo, el japonés no está ni de cerca a ser un idioma que yo entienda y mi celular tampoco lo abre, sin embargo he visto algo del contenido en YouTube y puedo decir que es un juego hermoso que me habria encantado probar!
Espero que algún día pueda verlo lanzado en está región del mundo, en mi idioma, es mucho pedir, sin embargo la esperanza es lo último que se pierde 😖💓
Mentioned games
Sukuna Ryomen
Sukuna Ryomen
the game has been discontinued. It opens and gives us hope that we will be able to play, but when we press anything, the same message in Japanese appears Translating what is in the message, it says "the service is over". Unfortunately, those who couldn't play at the time when its servers still existed will only be able to see the game's initial menu, which is very beautiful, and the music is also very good and cute. I'm very disappointed that I can't play it.
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