It's gone full circle.
Ah, Devil May Cry, the forefather of the character action genre and "inspiration" for countless mobile anime action RPG, Peak of Combat doesn't deserve any of those accolades.
👍 Pros:
- Great Optimization, mid-range phones should have no problem running the game.
- Looks pretty good for a mobile game.
👎 Cons:
- Very dumbed down gameplay, it's basically Honkai Impact 3rd but worse, the control is unresponsive, the combat lacks any kind of polish that makes the console releases so great and characters miss like half of their moveset so the game can sell those moves as separate characters.
- The awesome ost is gone, replaced with generic guitar riffs and ill-fitting backing tracks.
- The gacha follows the Genshin formula, 0.6% rate for S rank, 90 pulls pity and 50/50 once you hit pity. Note to devs, don't copy Hoyoverse if your game isn't even half as decent as theirs.
- Endgame contents is just busy work, anything worthwhile lies in the co-op, PvP and leaderboards. Oh, you don't got the latest OP units to compete in these modes? Tough luck kid, eat the whale's leftovers, your "skills" ain't beating a deep pocket.
- Stamina takes an eternity to recharge, it'd have been no problems if the campaign didn't take a shit ton of it, you wack a few demons and it's already at zero. It's also used for farming cards, this game's version of GI's artifacts, having to split stamina between cards to power up and the campaign to unlock content grind the progression to a halt.
In conclusion, just play PGR.
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