Miya - Bangwee Review

My Device📱: Redmi Note 13 Pro Plus 16GB RAM + 16GB VRAM
Watching the game trailer of Miya made me want to try playing this game, especially since it is still considered very new.
Graphics: ❤️❤️❤️❤️🤍
Even though the graphics are not yet stable on my smartphone, requiring me to lower the specifications from high 60fps to high 30fps, the result made my gameplay in Miya quite stable. The animations and monster details are impressive, especially the lobby area where Miya first appears, showing very detailed interiors.
You will also see very good animations when successfully defending attacks and using skills, making the experience enjoyable, especially with a variety of costumes for the main character upon defeating bosses.
Sound Effects: ❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍
In my opinion, the sound effects are not quite impressive; some seem mismatched with the actions, possibly due to playing at 30fps.
Gameplay: ❤️❤️❤️🤍🤍
Initially playing the game, you might find it confusing, suddenly being in a lobby without any instructions. You will need to explore the room and try out each interaction available.
Upon success, you enter a tutorial where you continue to fight enemies in that room, appearing simple, similar to other MMORPG Dungeons. Although the characters are female, Its look like characters from Final Fantasy.
Story: ❤️🤍🤍🤍🤍
There is a lack of a detailed storyline explaining the game's theme.
Good : - Sexy Miya costumes - Numerous upgrades - Skillful of dodging and blocking required
Bad : - 1.44GB required for solo dungeon play - Music and sound effects still need improvement - Lack of tutorials - Absence of instructions on using dodge, block, skill upgrades, stat upgrades, etc. - Enemies wake up immediately after being hit while sleeping
I hope this game will further develop its stages and introduce multiplayer gameplay for an even better experience.
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macrock alves
macrock alves
fuck off multiplayer... no need this shitty 💩👎🏻
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