I Got A skin bc it's sound fx over it's design

This Christina skin sound fx are great .But that shooting sound fx is so good. Gawd it's sounds so thicc  and Meaty.When  I tried it in the  training room and heard that TWHUMP I knew she was the one.Do I necessarily care about the look meh not really but it'is growning ton me . The Aleta one sounds pretty rad also props to the Dev that did sound  design on those. Anyone else like,wants or bought A skin for the sound design. I'm out Sincerely
G.I.S.M (AKA) -Gate-Crashing Insurrectional Saboteur Militiaman-
(AKA)-Greefing Inauspicious Salt Miner (AKA)-Guy Inpubs Solo Murking
AKA)-Guillotiner Impailer Skinner Mangler
AKA)-Grotesque Inhuman Skinwalking Monster
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