A revision to my hateful review, and an admission of my mistakes.
When I made my review I grabbed a outdated .APK file for the game. One that for some reason was missing the Anti-ptw mechanics in their entirety. It was a version dated December of 2023. And this was done with the curiosity of seeing whether those Anti-ptw mechanics were still present or not. This was not done with the intention to slander, however that is what I've ended up doing in the end. So, I Apologize for my undue hatred and harmful words directed towards a version of the product not reflective of the current one.
Now onto the proper review:
👍 Pros: The game IS Anti-pay to win as was advertised. The pixel art is cute and pleasant to look at, with a new feature not found in the beta: certain artifacts now effecting your character's sprite appearance. The overall framerate is now stable and the controls, although a bit floaty, are solid.
🎮 Gameplay: It's a competent Revese Bullet hell (Bullet Heaven/Survivors-like) game, far more so now than when it was in beta. The boss and enemy gameplay design has become more complex giving a decent challenge not present during the Open beta. Enemy spawns are no longer obvious set points on the map, instead spawning dynamically. Weapons are diverse, from the normal shotgun, sword, or handcannon, to a barrel that shoots fish, a riot shield that causes ground slams, and a Blackhole gun. This plus the various abilities you can take and the selection of characters avaliable makes for a very replayable experience.
📖 Storyline: Although roughly translated, the humor poking fun at the PTW gaming space is both appreciated and enjoyable. Otherwise it's just alright, which is all it needs to be.
💰 Value for Money: Honestly, with how Anti-PtW this game is, the price tag is totally worth it. And yeah, the Devs should absolutely get money for their efforts. Games that you get to play and enjoy after just paying once, with any more payments being genuinely optional and only there if you want to support the devs further, are becoming rarer and rarer these days.
👎 Cons: The Music when playing, although catchy, is the only main track that plays during rounds, I wish there was different tracks for different level environments. You cannot check which buffs interact with which upgrades after you've claimed them which for someone like me with a bad short term memory is quite annoying.
Conclusion- I recommend this game. I wasn't forced to do this, when I saw the game in it's proper state I felt guilty. Guilty that something of quality and passion was smeared by my impulsiveness. So my original post has been deleted, but I will not hide that I did wrong.
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