Greed Game - PvPvE Dungeon Crawler Gameplay Android iOS

Game: Greed Game Genre: PvPvE Dungeon Crawler Gameplay: GREED GAME Assemble your team and venture into PvPvE Dungeon Crawler world with your friends. presents a Win Or Lose It ALL world, where high risk leads to high return. May the chance stands by you as you delve into the deep dungeon. Game Features Dungeon Exploration Explore the furthest depths of the dungeon, where every corner may hide unknown treasures and dangers. Search for treasure chests, collect rare treasures, and bolster your chances of survival to your journey. PvPvE Combat In this dark arena, you must engage in battles against not only evil monsters but also other players. Defeat them, claim their treasures and equipments as your spoils, and emerge as the ultimate survivor. Classes and Tactics Craft a distinctive combat style by mixing classes, abilities and gears. Whether you choose to be a Warrior, a Ranger, or a Wizard, each decision reshapes your tactical approach, affecting your chance to survive in the dungeon. Risk V.S Reward Every adventure into the dungeon is a bet where you choose the level of investment in gears and props before the match. The gains made within the game can be extracted and saved for future battles. The bold who emrace risks will reap grand rewards. Team Up! Assemble a team with friends to face the challenges in the dungeon together. Cooperation is the key to outlasting the adversaries and surviving to the end. Greed Game Early Access.
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Kirst Conchita
Kirst Conchita
I don't have any gold cards left
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repetitive gameplay no pvp at al mostly bots ...lots of lag when in battle hits on mobs sometimes don't hit like a bug
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Jeremy K
Jeremy K
something not right with the game tonight every time you exit a match you lose everything you looted or can't even exit the game have lost and entire set of gold armor broad sword recurve bow just because of the game not operating correctly
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