I'm a fan of webtoons/manhwas since I discovered what they are and Solo Leveling is in my top 5. I've been looking for some games to play after my hellish study sessions and I deleted genshin (which I played for abt 3 years..?) thus, Solo Leveling Arise was/is something I'm looking forward to.
👍 Pros: great graphics,
balance between 3d and original manhwa panels
Rich gameplay
👎 Cons: probably because it has just released but it freeses sometimes. (in the pics it froze out of no reason)
🎮 Gameplay: rich gameplay. It could give us 2 basic skills and leave but they have 2 main, 1 weapon related, 1 ultimate, 1 i-forgot-its-name-srry-i'll-update-when-I-remember
The weapon skill changes depending on the weapon you use, I love it
📖 Storyline: I wish they gave more dialogs to make the atmosphere of the scenes richer. Imo, someone who didn't read Solo Leveling would miss all those pretty details.
I probably will be addicted to it in a short time but my battery is %7 and I have homework
I'll update the review as I play.
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