👍 Pros: good Quality, Good story, everyone and everything has lore even weapons. The voice lines are plentiful and enjoyable, the feel of the game depends on how you play, if you like leveling up, its grindy and a bit restricting because of the limited resin for the grind, if you like the characters then its a gacha game and it feels very p2w when its not. You can play casual or you can play hard because you can decrease and increase your world's adventure level as you please when you leveled it up. Very flexible gameplay.
👎 Cons: some of the quests may be uncompletable because of some bug or error, I'm a completionist type of player which means 100% exploration, side and main quest. I quit because theres a quest in mondstadt that i finnished but didn't get the quest completion on it leaving me 99% on mondstadt which left me very annoyed.... i tried to  forget but after a while, another problem appeared, which is enemies spawning underground ruining my grind for materials for my weapons and characters which made me uninstall the game to later install it again because i wanted to play with a friend of which the encounter never happened, i am now in the dendro continent strolling around and then i forgot about it because most of the dialogs doesn't have a voiceline, i was left utterly dissapointed and then i stopped playing
🎮 Gameplay: open world rpg, adventure treasure hunting, collecting,fishing, farming, base building(unlocked in a liyue quest), bossfight, and others that can be done in multiplayer which sometimes make you lag a lot
📖 Storyline: well made, soothing, smooth, touching, fun, and very enjoyable, you don't have to like anime to like it, its a well made story of all sorts of characters.
🕹️ Controls: smooth like butter like criminal undercover.BUT, the camera focus needs work, even if i made it automatic in settings, its still bad and in fights i cant see what im doing or where i am. (tip: if you're in mobile touchscreen, you can tap on the bottom of the items on the ground that you can collect, not on the items themselves which makes you able to pick uo everything you can reach)
💰 Value for Money: if you like the characters themselves as a well made beautiful/handsome character with good storyline sure. But if you buy for making your game easier, you don't need to spend anything, just level up, advance your world adventure level and level up more and in the characters profile you can liwer the world level and then you have an easy game, but do support by spending money if you like, im not telling anyone to do anything, im just saying.
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Dagoth Ur
Dagoth Ur
This game is trash and the developer they keep developing games similar to this and look what happened now all gacha become shitty
Sky Reaper
Sky Reaper
Bro just lost his 50/50 😂 why the hate? Just don't play the game then if you don't like it.
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