Worst matchmaking 👎 Cons: never seen this type of matchmaking always noob team even tho I have a higher we my team has very low I used to be in honour and now I'm in legend continuous lose no win shitty matchmaking system . There was a time when mythic were only for pro but now all epic cancer player are in mythic my suggestion epic players play better then mythic player they just don't show tho glory is a different story but mythic and honour are usless feels like playing with warrior player and when you contact customer care for matchmaking balance problem then bot will always give the same answear of winrate but I have a higher we I has 60 we but from toxic noob team now it's 40 never play in midnight shitty game If matchmaking is like this who would even wanna play the game . And now I know the developer wouldn't even see my review cause they are also shitty see higher player they all have good we but see their history only silver their teammates are good wtfffffff mf montoon 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons: 👎 Cons:
Mentioned games
Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
Bro you need to take a break when things aren't working then get back sometimes it works just install another game or take your mind off the game for awhile at least until things get better it would help.
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