Played several versions of this while I waited. Traditional Chinese, KR, JP its quite fun summon dragons to fit in your zodiac wheel. 
🎮 Gameplay: Fighting through the mastery dungeon; its not difficult you enter a room to fight a monster to see if you're strong enough to gain a higher tier title.
🎖️ Progression System: As you level up you zodiac wheel, gear and skills you can swap out everything so far: swap skillsets/gear/dragons/fairies.
There is a gashapon, daily you can select 2 dragons that are SSR grade until you pull them the rates aren't horrid and any lower grade of that element you get can be fused for a higher grade of it.
🌱 Growth & Development: Main goal is to fuse the dragons into UR grade they change form then to humans. Each zodiac wheel has 2 sets of element that boost your power, fill the whole thing up even if its a lower grade. Be careful with your SR/SSR grade to make sure it gives you the dragon of the element you want, the UR are picky when you fuse.
📈 Skill Trees & Abilities: Skill upgrade books are only received through rank levelup and story, theres no buy your skill books. But you can swap anytime until 60.
🌐 Cross-Platform Play: Can acces via PC/mobile as long as you use the same account.
🎩 Loot System:  Doing dungeons and certain daily dungeons get you either upgrade mats/ lower grade dragons to fuse for higher tier or gear to boost power. They have a limit on entry.
🤝 Co-op Features: Dungeons, events and the like sometimes you can't get a party, but they have mercenaries to help for not so strenuous gameplay. Its not advised to do gear dungeons with bots.
👍 Pros: The gashapon is forgiving, it gives you many ways to get tickets and gems
You're never going too long w/o a summon or a fusion and filling the wheel only benefits you.
There are many modes to get the mats you need to improve your gear/dragons/fairies.
👎 Cons: Sometimes the events are either unclear in the destination or the execution.
Some events require to be in party, but sometimes you can't find people to join so you can't complete it.
Theres a guidebook daily thing to do that requires you to fight a dragon that has a wide-range and spaws jelly monsters that explode if you dont enter 2 small safe spaces. The instructions aren't entirely clear because you'll be in the space and you still explode.
After everything getting to about 70 on KR/JP since I could read it, I had alot of fun and I still have thr JP version still on pv since its so fun. You're not in a cycle of am I wasting my time, but wondering what else you can do at your level.
Mentioned games
can you post some character build. I cant seem to find one in youtube
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