R1999 🎞️ Grand Review

# Story
- R1999 Starts in the 1960s where you play as "Vertin" an agent for the saint pavlo foundation, They call you "The Timekeeper" the one who records the time between eras the one who braves the "Storm"
   The "Storm" is a mysterious weather phenomenon which reverse time and cause anomalies in the world.
   The story Focus on the conflict between humans and "Arcanists" the other Race in this world who have magical abilities. And the battle between the saint pavlo foundation which want the peace between humans and Arcanists and the "Manus vindictae " the crime organization which believe in Arcanists supremacy.
- Unlike most gacha games R1999 The story is a main focus and more importantly it is very entertaining to watch and unravel and try to end the conflict between Fake peace and Arcanists supremacy.
- while it is not a complete story yet it is something to wait for.
# Gameplay
R1999 is turn-based card strategy game, you fight utilizing ur incantation and merging similar ones enhance their effect.
The game was really fun when I started playing and exploring the mechanics but it is not the type where you feel that your strategies got significantly better the more you play you just feel that you have better characters or more fitting for the fight.
The various types of incantations is good but the counter ones and some of the buff and debuff one are not even worth using.
The other gameplay type is the puzzles and read and click minigames they add every event some are fun other are boring as hell.
# Visual aspect
- when we talk about UI and character design R1999 show a fabulous beauty from it's menus and characters design, stylized outfits and incantation Cards.
- on the animation aspect the game really does a fantastic job on the Ui and Menus
- The character animations varies widely between characters some have long some have short animation sequences when attacking with ultimate some have full scenes and other have real time CGI, of course that leads into some having better animation than others.
# Updates Rating
1.0    7/10
1.1     8/10
1.2    6/10
1.3    5/10
1.4    9/10
1.5    4/10
Thanks for reading ☺️
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