Its #1 on my top 5 list. The graphics are almost as real as a actual movie, there is a reason that it was the game of the year way back in early 200?'s no game looked so real & had all the options you could want. Only CON is a bit more variety of dialog between characters & there wasn't a actual movie made of it .
You can play it for years & they keep adding to the. Story.
You can get lost in all the quest or just take off  on your horse & explore on your own. You can be royalty, the Kings guard, to a wizard soldier , thief, Vampire & there's is a out 8 more roles of choices. You create the look of who you are features hair etc.Then if you want a bit more choices & some pazaz added you can get mods @ Nexas Elder Scrolls, thousands to pick from. Add unique armor & weapons servants, side quests if you finish the ones in the game. If you want to be business owner  to the ruler of your own kingdom/town, or a Arch mage at the University it's all covered even dragons. I haven't had anyone tell me they didn't like all  Elder Scrolls series, we players just have our favorite release & I have 2 Oblivion & Morrowind. Guys tend to like Skyrim I've been told. Can't go wrong...try them all I bet you won't put it in the bottom of the cupboard for at least 3 or 4yrs... The music at the introduction will stick w/you to either will find your self humming the tune or come running to watch whose playing, when at a gaming store. You will love THE ELDER SCROLL' WHOLE SERIES LINE UP... I've been hooked on it since 2005.
Mentioned games
Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
except that almost all npc looks like a potato
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