My phone specs:
Xiaomi MI 11Tpro
OS: Android 13
Memory: 12GB
Storage: 256GB
Processor: Qualcomm Snapdragon 855
GPU: Adreno 640
🎮 Gameplay:
Wuthering waves settings:
- Max getting 5fps with 150-500msms
- High getting 20fps with 150-500ms
- Medium getting 20-30fps with 150-500ms
- Low getting 30-60fps with 150-500ms
- Very Low getting 60fps with 150-500ms
I choosed: Very low settings sets on 24fps
with ping ranges from 100-1000ms very unstable even at recommended server.
Efx: like water, grass movements, trees, shadows added loads on game.
Lag stuttering starts at open fields with mobs, chests, puzzles and quest etc.
Random crashes on cutscenes first boss battle after getting out of cliff to the first corrupted area where the rover meets baizhi for the first time.
Next is during the animation on convene summons event missions for jiyan.
- Mobs like cows and goat getting stuck on some objects.
- Mini game with npc the turns your character into fugu fish after failing you get to select stop challenge or get back to starting point sometimes you character stuck on first person pov and then all controls disappear.
- Delayed button when using certain skills on bosses fights.
- Sometimes characters get stuck on water after falling from heights directly thru it.
I don't know if this is going to work for the others but for me it worked seems like the issue is not my rig but the malware my phone has been infected by virus i reseted it as the final resort i also contacted the service support and they assist me thru the whole process and it works well however i forget to backup which kinda wipeout all most all my files😅
Mentioned games
ad Boo Radley
ad Boo Radley
playing on a non-gaming phone (Pixel 7 Pro) which has had troubles running things like Pokemon GO in the passed. Near zero issues. only frame dip I ever got was when a ton of enemies were active on screen once. I'm actually shocked. the game hasn't cooked my phone at all. I've never even felt it warm up. but when I tried Tower of Fantasy and Genshin my phone broiled and became a stove burner. sorry you're having these issues, but thankfully can't relate.
ad Boo Radley
ad Boo Radley
but a quick Google search sees lots of people using your phone say "don't max out graphic settings without a fan on this device" and you're running a graphically demanding, new game, on a 3 year old phone. probably has something to do with it
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yes, i know that you tell in the post for people that have same specs like ur phone, i don't wanted to offense you or something, i comprend the point you going writed at the top and know that specs you have is a very good specs (for have snapdragon too). Only i've detailed how run in other specs,i'm not tried admiting you are liying or try to cancel your opinion because all phones are differents, i'm not sure if the words i write it's capable to comprend my point, btw, i wish the nexts patchs can you play more smooth and fix the bugs. Cheers bro!
Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
Very good specs at running games 2 years ago now most games run with unreal engine it struggles a lot not to mention how fast the battery drains after 5-6 hours of gameplay it runs other games like genshin very well with 30-51fps when in medium settings but if i set it on high starts to lag and crash 11tpro is a scam if i would know that it has no difference with 10t pro i would gonna buy it on the first place and go for red note 8 or 9.
Mehdi Chedly
Mehdi Chedly
💢low fps on your phone📱 means you have a lots of services running 🏃‍♂️ in background you have to stop the most of them to run your game smoothly 💯
Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
Do you think i did not already do that? i already did all i could and please not all have a good phone.
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Алексей Перцев
Алексей Перцев
12 ram, dimensity 8300 ultra, around 60 fps on medium-high, but fps drops sometime and that's terrible.
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Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
It's the issue with the server traffic All servers always have the same red or orange ping but sometimes in early morning and midnight where quite a few people play it has become 75ms green.
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Свирепый Moisey
Свирепый Moisey
I play at 30 FPS, the lags are incredible , according to the game itself, the lag is even greater , damn it , I had to do screenshots .but my respect, the game is constantly being updated and there are some progress, but fuck, if you released the game for general access all over the planet, then deign to add the Russian language, it really pisses me off, and pisses me off even more video sequences up to 30-45 minutes long, this is a tin of guys, and they can't even be missed, those that can be -to them I have no questions, I have a lot of predicates for this game, but I waited too long for it, I waited, but my poor knowledge of English does not allow me to fully appreciate the entire storyline, so I just try to skip everything, and I'm stupidly pumping characters and knocking out the best loot, thank you for reading)
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Свирепый Moisey
Свирепый Moisey
I forgot to add, I have some kind of infinix pro, with 16GB of RAM, I don't think that's enough guys
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Tolga mert Aksoy
Tolga mert Aksoy
I play at 60 fps at the highest settings with Xiaomi 12t(dimensty 8100u). Sometimes it drops but then it gets better, especially when I use a fan, there is no problem.
Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
Good for you enjoy the game👍
Mauro Vaquero
Mauro Vaquero
I play on a Galaxy a34 (dimesity 1080) on normal and game puts all the red bars showing the phone will be under a loto of stress. Is playable, don't know how many fps but playabe anyway, but battery juice drains fast as hell. I don't know why to chose cell shading style for games when is known that any decent cell shading requires a lot of post porceasing and an average to low model detail. I also don't know why Genshin impact looks similar on graphics but 4 years ago with much slower chipsets. I play ares rise of guardins which have really good graphics on high and with no problem nor overheat and played Noah's Heart at max (without anti-alias) for years, both games have a lot better graphics and models than anime style games. I had low ping but i supposed it was for I'm from south america and surly the server is half planet away even if in the same continent.
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Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
I can cook eggs using my phone it was kuro's big mistake for changing unity to an unreal engine. They choose visuals over performance but not all users suffer at least only half of us highend devices can handle it while on mid to lowend has the issue.
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I am not sure how to see fps but I got around 30-60 FPS with very low graphics, I have 8 gb Ram and snapdragon 730.
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Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
Do you always experience unstable ping?
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i thought am the only one having these trouble 😅🥲 idk if they will be able to fix it immediately
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Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
Running at high graphics (don't let me apply the max for no reason) have me like 50-60fps with 120-180 of ping, but very smooth in all moment Tecno Camon 20 Premier here
Lose Wrld
Lose Wrld
let me clarify one thing i'm not telling people to apply those settings i'm telling in my post that only people with the same specs or phones as me are going to experience the same thing if they put on those settings i tested it on my phone which is the details on the top.
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