Sooo just a first impression post. It's my first-second day playing, still exploring and unlocking certain game mechanics. Let's start with the Gacha aspect:
There's literally nothing else to explain on the Gacha system as it's the same with other Gacha games, except they're a bit more generous.
🎮 Gameplay: Very good so far. As someone who didn't play Genshin extensively, I can't make a definitive comparison, and I don't want to do that anyway. Combat felt fast-paced and fluid. They made traversing the environment even more fun as well. There's also a lot of fun puzzles and platforming sections.
📖 Storyline: Engaging and intriguing so far. Just not a huge fan of some of the voice acting, specially from the MC (I know the Rover's not supposed to speak at all times anyway, but it just sound odd sometimes).
🕹️ Controls: I mainly play this on PC becau se it's an unoptimized mess on mobile devices. But I just also included a short gameplay with me using my mobile controller with hard-mapped inputs (WW doesn't have native gamepad suppport on mobile, sadly) The touch controls are pretty responsive anyways.
🕹️ Graphics: Amazing on Max settings (on PC at least). It still look good on the highest possible setting on mobile, it's just currently unoptimized so fram rates stutters are pretty common, and sudden change in resolution.
Overall, the game is pretty engaging and generous so far. Exploring is fun, and combat is pretty fluid. I can definitely see myself playing this long term.
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They give a lot of gacha currency, thats true, but the rates are far from what I would call good. You only have a 1.8% chance of getting a 5★ character. Thats insanely low! A GOOD rate for 5★/SSR characters should be, at the very least, 5%. I agree with the rest of your post though. ✦.✦
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Right I totally agree with the rates, and what I mean by it's pretty much the same as other gacha system is the 5-star pity system, and they're pretty straightforward about it, on top of them being generous. I'm on my 5th day now with continuous progress and it's been a blast so far, specially when you're familiar with all the gacha game aspects and progression/upgrades and farming, because it can get quite overwhelming if a player is new to it.
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