Wuthering Waves - Experience

Everybody knows about "Wuthering Waves" so I don't have to introduce this game lol!
So after a long time finally Globally launched and for the first time I experienced the most anticipated game "Wuthering Waves"
What I Like About "Wuthering Waves"?
There's countless things to love about "Wuthering Waves." The game's attention to detail in both its narrative and gameplay mechanics is impressive. From the intricate character development to the vast open-world exploration, every aspect feels carefully crafted. Additionally, the way it seamlessly blends elements of adventure, strategy, and mystery keeps players engaged and eager to uncover more. The stunning visuals and immersive sound design further enhance the overall experience, making every moment feel truly epic. Whether you enjoy unraveling mysteries, engaging in thrilling combats, or simply sailing the open seas, "Wuthering Waves" offers something for everyone to enjoy.
What I Don't Like?
Is there anything not to like about "Wuthering Waves" I don't think so 😄
Here are some great Sceneries from the Game🖼️ [Screenshots]
And my favorite character is #Jianxin
But sadly I didn't get her till now 🙃
Mentioned games
Dagoth Ur
Dagoth Ur
When you choose the male rover the game would easily turn into a fkin harem.
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