Bruh another Korean auto path, auto fight, auto eat, auto sleep, auto shit mmo . At this point I seriously doubt the IQ of these devs , literally everyone out there is bashing other mmos for adding auto combat and these sharp minded devs went ahead and did exactly that 🤦‍♂️. The trailer looked like it was out of a marvel movie and the game just turned out to be another lineage 2M copy with Nordic theme . Not to mention the hassle to get in, change phone language to Korea, use Korean account, use vpn , remove sim card , like seriously guys ? Are you afraid of global people or something ? Why would you go to that extent to block global players ? You hate us, you say it, we don't play your Korean games, but going through all that verification shit to block global players that's just mean on your side .
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And auto eat battery, internet data 😂
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