It's a good game, but it gets super repetitive quick unfortunately. at a certain point (within a few hours of play) it kinda just turns into researching to lvl research and just doing your daily challenges. PVP if that's your thing is entirely broken and Pay to Win .you'll be 20k Power and matched against 100k Power SSR Players with weapons filled upgraded. it's so bad to the point to where people will either one tap you or the weaker players will just stand there as you finish them off .This wouldn't be a big deal if rewards NEEDED to progress weren't gated behind playing PVP modes several times a day. The drops for the Gacha are very slim too. You can't even really buy your way to good summons either tbh because the premium currency is about $30 just to summon 10x once. So you basically just do these repetitive daily challenges to get 20 Metal to eventually work your way up/buy your way to 1000 Metal to summon 10x. more Gold and Purple weapons than characters, so you always end up getting a weapon or a Blue character (which are Total ass) If you don't have Ultra MegaMan or Black Zero as an early drop you better reroll otherwise you'll struggle long-term unless you get super lucky and Pull Sigma or whoever is being promoted atm. This is also the Global version, so it's inferior to the Asian version mostly because we miss major crossover events. Japan version has a Street Fighter event atm and a rumored DMC coming after. US hasn't had a single one yet. Closest to events we get are boss rushes which are beyond grindy just to get mats NEEDED to progress .
all in all it's a decent MegaMan experience unfortunately turned into a broken Gacha hellscape of which I've only experienced in Genshin Impact. If you going to devote time to this I recommend finding the Japanese version as I've heard it's under better development .
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