The Character Design of S-17

Heya, Party players!
How’s everyone’s Tuesday coming along? If you’ve some time to spare while commuting or waiting for your next activity, here’s a quick read on our latest hero S-17’s character design!
Our initial idea was to create a character with distinctive physical features. Besides having simple, agile movements, she would also have a clear focus on targets and skills that are straightforward to use. After many rounds of discussion and experimenting, we decided to make her an android! 
(Iterations of S17 concept design)
S-17’s father is a famous craftsman in Metropolis, who has spent his entire life in his exquisite crafts store. As he grew older, he longed for someone who could keep him company, and so decided to create a “daughter” out of scrap parts he found in his shop.
Although she’s a robot, S-17 realized that she started developing human-like emotions day after day. When she learned of Flash Party, She wanted so much to fight on stage like a human being and defeat all the other heroes, so that the Creator of the Party world would grant her wish of becoming human.
(S17’s pose design sketches)
Now, let’s take a look at her weapon! S-17 has a rounded shield with a chain attached, integrating the features of both a whip and a shield. (Doesn’t it look like a  yo-yo?) This is the secret to her excellent aerial movement, making her look suave and strong while in battle. Moreover, there are thrusters enabled in her calf armor, enabling her to move swiftly if needed. 
When designing her skills, we wanted to make her moves look more like a human making poses, and not too mechanical like a robot. We also focused on the accuracy, efficiency, and stability of her moves. As for the overall artistic design, we wanted this S-17 to look like a handsome warrior, what with her cool armor contrasting with her beautiful face. 
(Weapon design - thrusters)
Those of you who already unlocked S-17 might have noticed that her moves look quite interesting in the lobby page. Her actions in the lobby are a combination of her skills and her fondness of cats. For the benefit of those who haven’t unlocked her yet, S-17’s lobby animation shows her getting ready to fire her cannon, but stops once she realizes it’s a cat in front of her. She then squats down and pats the cat instead! This way, we allude once again to the fact that S-17 is capable of human emotions and does not shoot just about anything in sight.
What kind of stories do you think we can explore with this hero? Maybe something to do with cats since it’s one of her favorite things? Share in the comments below!
Till next time, XD
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Jeff Thorsen
Jeff Thorsen
Very creative image design. I love to draw and create different characters. Thanks to MasterBundles, I learned a lot of interesting ideas for social media design. Design is my hobby. And if there is a desire and imagination, you can create a lot of interesting things.
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