【JOB】‘雙生’ Guide, a twin assistant in the team

[b]1. Position
[/b]雙生 is the mage but also is the only assist job in 'CODE: D-BLOOD', from the previous beta test, 雙生 not only has great assist ability but also with outstanding range DPS. So she has excellent range skills and a variety of assist skills, which shows that this twin job have a very comprehensive position and popularity.
1. The core of the team, can use a lot of assist skills like heal or add buffs, clear debuffs, etc.
2. Great range and range DPS skills ensure the comprehensive position
3. No difficult technique required
1. Good at assist, but DPS is weak compared to other range jobs
2. Self-protection ability is a little weak
2. Skill analysis (basic skills)
The initial skills of 雙生 are four skills: 光影相生、回溯之光、時間鎖定、魔女之吻, Higher grade skills of them are: 雙生契約、冰耀衝擊、相位震盪、黃金刻印、時間膨脹
光影相生 the passive is to increase your normal attack and 冰耀衝擊, active is to copy your next skill use (double use), include: 回溯之光、時間鎖定、魔女之吻
回溯之光 is the main assist skill that you can heal your one single ally in 12s, one heal per second. Also increase the ally's crits, armour penetration and multiple hits chance.
時間鎖定 is the attack skill that causes up to 5 random enemies freeze in surrounded area for 3 seconds and deal damage to them. The control time will decrease sharply when the enemy is affected by this skill multiple times.
3. How to play
雙生 has many assist skills as well as control skills, you can pull the enemies together in the dungeon so that you and your teammates can easily deal AOE damage.
The recommended solution for 雙生 in PVE that use 時間膨脹 to increase the stats and cooldown reduction, and then use 相位震盪、冰耀沖級、湛藍刻印 for damage deal, and use your copy skills 光影相生 to copy 回溯之光、時間鎖定、魔女之吻 in the correct timing depends on damage burst or team allies recovery.
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