Wild Rift Guide - Assassin from KuroShi Plays

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Flashy moves, quickness, and burst damage - the marksmen's nightmare in the land of Runeterra! We present to you……
Assassins have the ability to make squishy targets turns into ashes with just a snap of the fingers (sounds familiar? we're not going to talk about him.) This role is pretty popular for most players; in their eyes, it's "cool" because why not?
In some cases, where the opposing team is already ahead, and you cannot burst down anyone yet because you lack the items and the level, what you can do is to avoid team fights, and steal turrets from the enemy team instead. Given your high mobility, you are the perfect candidate for this job. As an assassin, you should learn how to outmaneuver enemies when they come to gank you. You can do this with practice. Steal turrets then run. Steal turrets again then run. Keep repeating until you catch up in gold and level, and try assassinating one of the enemies when they come to you.
A tip is to put wards first before advancing. Keep an eye on the map as well. If you see that all or most enemies are missing on the map, chances are they are on their way to your location. So better recall or run to a safe place in order to avoid being a fodder.
During objective wars, you do not need to show yourself on the map. If your team is the one initiating an objective quest, wait for bushes where the enemies are most likely to pass (bring sweeping lens and make sure first it isn’t warded, or you’ll be the one ending up as a corpse), and then, when a high priority role such as the opposing team’s marksman is in your range, try bursting him down. This will render the enemy team to be at a disadvantage before they can even reach the objective’s location.
In the event that the enemy team is the one taking objectives, don’t lurk at the front lines. Try maneuvering in the enemy back lines. Some assassins like Zed is capable of repositioning because of his high mobility, he also have potential to steal objectives with his high burst damage output.
Your main role as an assassin is to prioritize and burst down squishy targets like mages, marksmen, or sometimes, squishy supports like Sona, Nami, and Seraphine.
“Why should I do that?” you asked. The reason is taking down an enemy damage dealer will cut the fire power of the opposing team. With this, you guys will be able to "outdamage" the enemies, in majority of the cases, when it comes to clashes. Additionally, your tanker will last longer because there’s not enough force anymore to take him down or make him back off. This will gain your team an advantage in frontlines.
Imagine, no marksman in the opposing team that deals damage per second,or a mage that keeps poking his skills? It will drastically raise your chances of winning a team fight. By bursting down the enemy damage dealers, you are also protecting your allies especially the frontlines.
The first commandment of what you should not do as an assassin is to not burst a tanker down. While it's true that your damage is high enough to “DELETE” squishy targets, it's a different story when it comes to tanks tanky fighters like Vi, Garen, and Shyvana. Remember, most assassins’ skills have long cooldowns because they are designed to execute/delete one champion in an instant, then have you retreat and wait for your skill again. As an assassin, you should be lurking on the shadows, not fighting toe to toe in the frontlines.
One exception we can think of is if your team is way up ahead in terms of gold and level. If this is the case, you can target anyone as you see fit. But even in this situation, we still recommend targeting high priority champions (mages and marksmen) for them to not be able to make a comeback anymore. Consider everything possible until the last minute, so don’t slack, and end the game as soon as possible.
While waiting in bushes and carrying out champion elimination is part of your job, staying idle for too long will waste your time. Try to check the map and the situation. For example, if all enemies are all on bot lane, don't wait on mid lane bushes, continue split pushing instead since no one will walk past there.
One more thing is always carry a sweeping lens. We’ve seen many assassin players who are waiting on a bush only to find out that the enemies are preparing for a counter ambush. Never assume that a bush is not warded.
After pushing a turret, you can rush immediately on your team's location especially if they are nearby or competing for an important objective like Baron and Dragon (in these cases, you can prioritize helping rather than pushing). Your presence is needed so try to make yourself available. Be careful on your way though, because enemies who saw you coming might wait for you to initiate an ambush. Always do bush checks, and take the safe route.
If your team is way behind item wise, signal your team to not compete for the objective because chances are they will just be wiped out by the enemies. Your team can try stealing an objective, but that should be all. After stealing an objective, retreat immediately, and do not engage in a team fight. Engaging and getting wiped out will just hurt the team even more. Sometimes, one sacrifice is needed for this. Remember! It’s alright for one of your allies to die and get the objective rather than all of you dying. Being wiped out means you can kiss goodbye to your nexus and turrets.
We've seen many assassin players who bulldoze their way inside the enemy formation hoping to do execute his “wombo-combo,” but ended up dying instead. Playing as an assassin doesn’t necessarily mean forcing your way through the backlines. We don’t do that here. A tip is you should assess many things, and that include but are not limited to:
✓Enemy team composition: If the enemy team composition has many crowd control abilities, you might wanna get a quick silver stash, and wait for your team to initiate first before entering the battlefield.
✓Enemy team items: You have to check first if the enemy team has already built a countermeasure for you. If you’re using Zed, check who built stasis or the “hourglass” item. If one of the high priority targets are carrying it, then, you might wanna change who you will be assassinating.
“What if all of the squishy champions built Zhonya’s hourglass?” you might ask. If that’s the case, your skills, observation, and knowledge will be put to a test. A tip we can give you is to observe if the enemies have used the hourglass prior to a team-fight. If they just used it recently, chances are it’s still on cooldown so it’s safe to target them.
Most assassin players tend to be impatient. They start running towards the enemy formation without taking consideration the distance of his teammates.
Remember, as an assassin, you’re most likely to have the highest mobility in your team, so expect them to take a while before they can respond and help you. Don't initiate team fights. Your job is to wait for the tanker or an initiator to ignite the fire, and find an opening to sneak in the backline when everybody is busy exchanging punches and throwing ultimates.
Playing this role requires patience and good decision making. If you're a hot-headed person, you might not be ready yet for an assassination job.
Another mistake that most assassin players make is being overconfident in ambushing a lone wolf from the opposing team. Even if your team is ahead in gold, level, and item, it doesn’t hurt to practice extra care when carrying out your assassination job.
Again, “ALWAYS BE AWARE OF THE MAP”. Before starting your wombo-combo to a solo marksman, look at the map first. Ask yourself questions like:
✓Are there enemies visible in the map? - If not, they might just be baiting you.
✓If I chase this champion, will I still be able escape safely? – Sometimes, players get overconfident and become bloodthirsty, especially when the enemy champion is low on health. If the game of tag went too far and long already, you might wanna stop because chances are enemy reinforcements are already coming their way for your head.
✓Am I strong enough already? – Always weigh your items, skills, and spells before engaging an enemy. If you think you have what it takes to kill your target, then go. But if the target is stronger than you, you might wanna lay low for a while until you catch up.
"Assasins wait, then strikes" keep this in mind, and it'll surely improve your gameplays.
“People with talent often have the wrong impression that things will go as they think.”
-Karma Akabane (Assassination classroom)
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Chester Pascual
Chester Pascual
very helpful guide
My game not login any accounts I'm from india pliz helf me
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