There is no game - Jam Edition
Draw Me A Pixel
MoreWINNER of the DeceptionJam in 2015. This non-game has not been remade with a new game engine for better performances. And we haven't included some new enhanced graphics and new voices. If the game seems too slow, you can switch off the CRT effect in the options to improve the frame rate. There is no game. There is nothing to do. Do not tap anywhere. Really. DO NOT TAP ANYWHERE. Do not laugh as there is nothing to laugh about. Don't try to touch your mobile screen. It's at your own risk!! There is no game ! Voice : English Subtitles : English/French
There is no game - Jam Edition
This game is really good. I remember playing this on Cool Math Games when I was in middle school. This mobile port of the game is awesome. It plays well. I really wish the game was longer though. It feels too short. But its still a good game.
There Is No Game - Jam Edition
There is no game - Jam Edition
Hi there. I’m not sure what brought you here or what could possibly have convinced you to click on this link, but before you read any further, I want to make one thing clear: This is not a game review. You may have been fooled by the word “review” being attached to what appears to be a game name at the end of the headline. Common mistake. But if you’re here looking for an informed opinion about a game that you may then choose to download and play, I’m sorry to say that you came to the wrong place.
This Is Not a Game Review - There Is No Game Jam Edition Review
There is no game - Jam Edition
Do not play this non-game users!
To be honest, when I first found this game on TapTap, I thought this was some kind of fake game randomly grabbed from the Internet, cause you know, look at the plain icon. And I had some vague memory of playing a PC version with a similar name. I later spent 25 minutes playing through the little game twice which brought back my enjoyable memory of playing the full version (