滿分為 10


11 瀏覽 04/28/2022
試玩影片,https://youtu.be/4ExgoQQdia8 1.《聖劍傳說 ECHOES of MANA》是一款『聖劍傳說』系列的動作RPG手遊,於 4 月 27 日正式推出。亞洲服第一天直接炸服維修,緊急維修結束時間變更為2022/04/27(三)18:00。 2.聖劍傳說的世界背景設定為中世紀瑪娜架空世界,出現世界樹、聖劍等元素,玩家需要和竊取瑪娜之力的勢力作戰。 3.首頁可以修改繁中語言,登入遊戲後選擇男女形象,之後便是開始戰鬥系統的教學引導,採用了 2D 橫向的 ARPG 組隊戰鬥模式。完成基本教學後需要下載 1745MB 的更新檔,可以一邊下載一邊欣賞動畫演出。 4.總的來說,試玩使用了 64 位元的模擬器,過場讀取卡頓問題頗為嚴重,不確定是那邊出了問題。知名 IP 改編粉絲向手遊,將歷代角色與本作原創角色自由組隊冒險。
王子 魂熬
4 瀏覽 05/01/2022
0 瀏覽 04/28/2023
3 瀏覽 05/01/2022
Best RPG games that I've ever played [Android/iOS]
6.9K 瀏覽 04/24/2024
10 瀏覽 04/11/2024
1.1K 瀏覽 04/29/2023
Great game but bad devs. I'm a huge fan of the Mana series, so when this game came out, I was overjoyed! "FINALLY! A NEW ADDITION TO THE MANA SERIES! I'M SOOO FREAKIN' EXCITED! I CAN'T WAIT TO PLAY IT!! ✦.✦" ...Is what I thought at the time. Unfortunately, my joy and excitement quickly changed to anger and disgust when they released a competitive event. The event itself wasn't a bad idea, it's the rewards that were the problem. Those who took the top 10 spots at the end of the event were rewarded with weapon skins that would give stats to the characters that equiped it.
Echoes of Mana Review: Planting the Seed
1.9K 瀏覽 05/14/2022
Shinobi Fleur
808 瀏覽 04/27/2022
OMG, tons of loading, Bad frame rates, laggy, horrible control feeling.. fan service to milk blind fans. musics from the original saga are good but a Bad gacha, Boring fast, fastidious to progress.. thank you squarenix!?
1.5K 瀏覽 05/01/2022
horrible dupe system I've seen so far. passives and levels are locked behind dupes and you need total 7 copies to awaken a unit with abysmal gacha rate and oh wait no skip ticket in 2022 kekw so its a grind fest if you want to farm your ability board so you know how it means right?! you let your phone battery die while grinding the stage over and over again. wait there's more you need to pull on gacha so you can get a fodder units to ascend your characters since fodders dont drop on stages/dungeons 😂😂😂 good luck playing this shitty game