(10명 중)

게임 리뷰

Most Helpful
Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon is a fantastic puzzle game twist on the charms of Shovel Knight
5.1K 회 조회 06/13/2023
TapTap Creator
A highly customizable blend of roguelike and puzzles | Full Review - Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon
1.7K 회 조회 06/11/2023
[GAMEPLAY] Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon
808 회 조회 06/10/2023
There wasn't much to do with the game, I got a little bored right after. Its graphics were old version too. It's just about smashing and roaming around, good thing I had a lot of time to continue playing it.
Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon Gameplay
446 회 조회 06/10/2023
I just clicked everywhere and boom! I landed into this game and I didn't regret having to play it for more than an hour now! Gosh, I also told this to my friends and they enjoyed it as well~
My son really did enjoy this game; He said that it was so much fun~
1K 회 조회 06/10/2023
Gaming In The Moment
Digging Up Them Holes
857 회 조회 06/08/2023
To not miss any future mobile reviews subscribe to my YouTube Channel Score: 8.5/10 Did I enjoy it? Yes! It was a great experience with a ton of variety to choose from changing the feel of the core gameplay. .  Would I come back to it? Yes there is quite a bit to unlock and the process of unlocking them with the currency that you obtain in game is actually enjoyable.  Personal Playtime: ~4 hours
Shovel Knight GAMEPLAY
1.2K 회 조회 06/10/2023
Well, err, it was a little hard to play on my small potato phone. I was a little lost too since there weren't enough game procedures and strategies.
Napa Yisrael
488 회 조회 06/14/2023
Amazing and awesome with KARGE MEANING
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