out of 10


Michelle Caddell
496 Views 10/24/2023
I've been playing this game since it came out so I want  tetrun back in playstore so we can play it on  mobile and I know everybody agrees with me
638 Views 05/02/2020
i see what the developers tried to achieve, but for me it didn't feed the admirals cat. the playfield is a small circular area with Tetris shaped blocks falling down upon you. using gestures, you need to jump, duck and slide to avoid them. I just didn't find it engaging enough to hold my interest. I've made it no secret that Sky Dancer is among my very favorite parkour games ever, so I am a fan of the genre. I wanted to like this offering, but it just didn't work for me. I give it 3 stars because they achieved what they were going for, and I'm feeling generous today :)
Handpicked Offline Games
1.6K Views 07/12/2023
509 Views 06/10/2020
not very well concept.but i can play it. what i cant play it when ADS everywhere.
Rahul Roy
724 Views 05/04/2020
Awesome and Amazing Game I Ever Seen
733 Views 05/04/2020
Bad graphics bade idea
'Tetrun: Parkour Mania - free running game' review
570 Views 10/23/2022
Survival Gamer
568 Views 05/03/2020
Mihai Bartos
1K Views 05/11/2020
ok 😱😱😱😱😂
11 Views 03/25/2019
海外的製作人似乎總是不滿足於自家的遊戲內容過於單一,喜歡在一款遊戲裡糅合了許多不同的元素。 這款《環形跑酷》就是將俄羅斯方塊和跑酷這兩種玩法以令人稱奇的方式合併了起來。 遊戲開始後,四周開始不斷有方塊落下,你需要通過滑動來控制人物的前進方向和跳躍時機。因為場地是環形的,所以理論上不管逆時針還是順時針都沒有問題,但因為需要考慮到頭頂上方塊的掉落位置,選擇更合適的方向前進顯然非常關鍵。 而到了關卡後期,各種亂七八糟的干擾物就會一個一個出來找你麻煩,而散落在周圍的道具則是你前進道路上的一大助力。
That's everything for now. Start a new game?