It's rock-paper-scissors as a video game, but I don't know why I had so much fun? I really cannot explain it. I actually downloaded this game for the lulz, and did not expect this game to actually draw me in.
There is a huge fighting game feel to JanKenUP!, and that may be why I enjoyed it too much. Players basically go through opponents while playing rock-paper-scissors... with a big fight feel.
The game is simple, and like actual rock-paper-scissors, you usually don't know what your opponent is going to throw. Games also become a lot faster as you progress, so you have make your decision to throw a rock, paper, or scissors, a lot faster too.
Overall, I think I enjoyed the novelty of the game a bit too much. I believe this game is refreshing and unique. Definitely deserves 4 stars.
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Thanks SpartanChefR for playing our game and also for your review :) I'm glad to hear that you like the atmosphere of the game, that's the experience we want players to have.
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