Deemo II is a great rhythm game with a good aesthetic and excellent music. This ain't an anime rhythm game, but the music is good, However, its biggest strength lies in its beautiful art style, as well as its really compelling story.
Its gameplay is not really special to be honest. It plays just like any rhythm game. However, instead of the bright colours we often associate with rhythm games, DEEMO II is drab and lacking of colours. However, it works well with the music and the story.
As for the story, I do not want to spoil anything, but I can tell it is beautiful. I have not actually played into it much, but I found it to be compelling in the few hours of gameplay I have had for this.
Overall, it's a very good rhythm game. While the gameplay itself is nothing special, it more than makes up for it with a rich and compelling story, beautiful art style, and excellent music that goes well with that art style. It certainly is a unique experience for music fans, as well as those gamers who also like rich stories.
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I would not say that Deemo 'lacks colors' but instead it is more asthetic and pleasing to the eye compared to the rock-hard, neon, shining, glittering, JESUS!!! rhythm games. It's elegant and graceful, and has a mild temperament with a light tone. I like it.
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