❓ Otaku's Adventure FAQ: Everything you need to know

Otaku’s Adventure is coming to mobile this May! For all of you who would like to know more about this upcoming game, we have prepared a list of FAQs to answer your most concerning questions.
Q1: When can I play Otaku’s Adventure on mobile?
A1: The mobile version will release on May 17 (PT). Feel free to try out the free demo now available on TapTap and don’t forget to check out the full version in May!
Q2: Where can I play Otaku’s Adventure?
A2: The mobile version of Otaku’s Adventure will be available on TapTap and App Store, and is now open for pre-registration/pre-order.
Q3: What’s included in the free demo?
A3: The free demo now available on TapTap contains the first 30 minutes of gameplay, during which you will go through the typical morning routine of an Otaku and go on a date with a girl you met online. You can enjoy it for yourself and have a sneak peek of the game!
Q4: Is Otaku’s Adventure free? Does the game have in-app purchases?
A4: The game is available for $2.99 ($1.99 during the launch sale) on mobile platforms and does not have any in-app purchases.
Q5: I’ve noticed that there has already been a PC version of the game. What’s new about the coming mobile version?
A5: In addition to the original content for the PC version, the upcoming mobile version contains:
- A brand new DLC The World Just Keeps Turning, which is a sequel to the Waifu route
- New character voice-acting for Waifu and (´・ω・`) in two Chinese dialects
- Optimized English localization
Q6: Do I need to buy the DLC again after purchasing the mobile version?
A6: No, the DLC is included in the mobile version and there’s nothing extra to pay once you’ve purchased the game on mobile.
Q7: How many languages does Otaku’s Adventure support?
A7: The game supports English, Japanese, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Russian, Spanish and Portuguese.
Q8: Does the character voice-acting also have an English version?
A8: The voice-acting for the three girls is done by Chinese voice-actors in three different Chinese dialects, and does not have multi-language versions. Of course, we welcome fan voice-acting for the girls and we look forward to hearing your voice!
Q9: How long will it take to beat the game?
A9: It usually takes 7 to 9 hours to play through all three routes and the new DLC. To unlock and collect all hilarious and unexpected endings, you may need to invest more time on your exploration!
Q10: Does the game support cloud saves? Is it possible to load the Android saves on my iOS device?
A10: Unfortunately, for now the game does not support cloud saves. So be sure not to delete the game or switch to other devices before completely finishing it.
Q11: Can I play the game on my iPad?
A11:  Yes, the game is compatible with most mainstream iPad models. Feel free to enjoy the game on your iPad!
Q12: Is the game compatible with MacOS?
A12: No, the mobile version is not compatible with MacOS. It’s recommended that you play it on mobile and pad devices only.
If you have any other questions regarding the upcoming release of Otaku’s Adventure, please do not hesitate to leave us a message in the comment section below. You can also join our Discord server or Reddit community to chat around with other anime game lovers.
Stay tuned for more up-to-date game info and get yourself ready for a fantastic adventure!
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