Im now L60 Paragon 23 and liking the game more and more. It SEEMS to me the best way to play the game is to buy the Batlle Pass for $5, and enjoy the depth of the game. I'm working my ASS off, and my combat rating is getting better at  800. You CAN farm legendary gems if you have many legendary crests and use 7 at a time in the Elder Rift. If you use 7, there will be a RAIN of rewards,, most which will be legendary gems. So each run doing that costs about $25 per run. I'm wearing  4 legendary pieces of gear, and 2 green Set Pieces. I'm wearing good gear,  but upgrading it costs a good deal of $$. It happens  very slowly without spending, but with a LOT of patience, it does happen :) The  season just ended, so I bought the Battle Pass for $5, and lasts the entire season, which is 27 days, so its an excellent buy, and I highly recommend

Suddenly at around wo factions. Interestingly, you have do and complete BOTH faction lines. Along with all this, along come 8 or 9 new ti med activitjies, several of which are heavily pvp driven. Here's where the fact that you have ZERO chance of being competitive without spending5 a LOT of $$ hits you squarely in the nuts. I'm L49 wizard, using the pvp CC .build. Here's the rub: having the 3 suggested skills isn't enough. You are also shown 6 pieces of legendary gear, and  6 max gems that the build requires to be the most effective. There is also a 3rd criterion but I can't remember it off hand. I'm wearing 4 pieces of legendary gear. slotted with legendary gems. I dont have ONE gear piece or leg gem required by the build. In fact. I've never even seen one. Anyone familiar with upgrading the gear, then upgrading the ngems, then upgrading the reforge stones, then doing the essences, knows THAT'S where the real expense of the game is. Just to see for sure, I noted what it would take just to max out my legendary weapon. I hadn't even finished my calculations on the weapon, and stopped when I was WELL over $800 USD. Think I'm exaggerating? Lol. I'm not, ;)
Pvp has always been my thing, and I'm not gonna lie, I'm good at it. Controlling where your charged skills land--and they're ALL aimed--is challenging and why the wiz is rated the most difficult to play. The combos have to not only be timed, but you have to factor in all your  CDs to get your rotation right. Its totally worth it. It's the BEST CC in the game. My.point: I got slapped around like a 12 year old girl who only plays Barbies Dream House lol. In several attempts in battleground, I ended up with only 3 kills and 7 assists. That's unheard of. So I made sure to examine their gear. Not surprising when i tell you that it looked like WHALE FEST at SeaWorld San Diego
The game is very good. There's a ton to do, World chat isn't at all toxic, and there are tons of guilds to choose from. If your intent is to  play fun, we'll done game but aren't preoccupied in being competitive. You'll love it. If being competitive is important to you, BRING YOUR WALLET. MAKE SURE ITS FULL  ))
***************************************************************?,it's no secret that I've been very criticalT of the game based on the demo disc my friend at Blizzard sent me last year. It was God awful, and even my friend never believed that this would ever release. Here's why I'm very  torn. They've pulled off a miracle, the game is virtually bug free, it's very immersive, the char control is quite good, and the game is fun. Here it is. The initial install/unpack is nearly 8gb. Then there are 10 or so NON OPTIONAL download packs, for another nearly 9gb. The game is the most invasive I've ever seen, and it literally takes over your device. Then comes the really sad, angry, disappointing realization when you know for certain that Blizzard has monetized this game to an almost offensive degree.  You can forget about being competitive on the pvp side. There are many soft capped at 60, having already spent a TON of money on gear. If I hated the game I'd just writery it off as just another whale fest at SeaWorld San Diego. But I *don't* hate the game. In fact, I really like it. I'm a 30 Wizard and really enjoying the class. I have no idea how this is going to pan out. I'm already hearing angry complaints about having been sacrificed to the whales. I'm disappointed that this is the route Blkzz decided to take. I'll play it until it becomes an obvious waste of time. My rating of 4 stars is based on my view of the game itself. The reason I didn't rate it 5 stars is because of the blatant, shameless $$
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being part of the probem???? How do you figure? I see the predatory monetization of the game and have commented on it a dozen times. But that doesn't make blizzards practices immoral. greedy? sure. Immoral? hardly. when you take a break from standing on your soap box spewing a hollow echo of the self righteous anger that seems so popular, you might want to increase your understanding of what immorality is. but I stand by my original statement. a product is offered. it becomes the choice of the individual as to whether or not to consume. it's not YOUR job to tell me how I need to feel about anything. having an opinion is very important, and id fight in the streets to allow you to have and maintain it. but you slip into dangerous territory when you tell me that my opinion is problematic. say you disagree. perfectly acceptable. it's not at all acceptable to tell others that because they don't feel l as you do, that their point of view is not only meaningless, but continuing a problem in your mind either real or perceived. I AGREE that Blizzard took the wrong path. I AGREE that as a loyal customer for many, many years, that I feel as if their greed has betrayed their fan base to some extent. That I choose to play a game that I find very well done and play it on MY TERMS, is none if your business ;)
If you're referring to the level "pauses" in order to continue the main quest line, this certainly isn't the first game to have done it. I'm not SO bothered because it frees you up to do elder and challenge dungeons. and working on other activitiee s to help one upgrade their gear. I have a great legendary sword, but it's only level 5, and the 2 slotted leg gems are only L3. I also pay close attention to those who have bothered to learn their class. most whales I've ever known hadn't ever bothered, and I was always able to beat them once in a while in 1x1 pvp. when I lost, it was never by much. one kept wondering how that was possible. I finally broke down and showed him why the rotation he was using was ridiculous. he didn't have any of his best skills loaded. I told him what to load. and I rarely beat him after that lol
absolutey AWESOME review!! that's an awfully high combat rating for having spent 0$. I'm hoping it'll be an inspiration for me as I grind up. I. couldnt agree more. had they been even a BIT more judicious in their monetization, it really cou k d have been perfect. However, there ARE rumors about bringing things more into line ))
It doesnt matter if YOU|| like the game, it matters if the game is exploitative and immoral in its business practices. As a consumer in a free market economy it is our jobs to destroy these kinds of companies. NOT pander to ego strokes on social media or say it is good simply because you like how it makes you click buttons. Free markest dont work because consumers all act like spoiled children in a toy store with their parents CC. Who cares if you like it, who cares if you want it. It matters if the company is moral, consumer orientated and fair. Which it is not in this case. Welcome to being part of the problem.
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@Pavor You clearly are too intellectually lazy to have figured out that i **DO** understand the argument that their monetization scheme could be regarded as unfair and obscene. What you're trying to do is FAR worse. Your answer is to "destroy" them, and I'm certain that's your point of view regarding EVERYTHING you either don't understand, or that about which you don't approve. Sorry sonny boy. That's not the world we live in. it's ironic that you call "me" the problem lol. You don't *get* to legjslate my morality. You don't *get* to define what's moral for anybody but yourself. if you find their business practices unjust, that's perfectly fine! The answer is easy. Don't. Play. Another possible scenario here is that you *did* play and found it to be too complicated for you to grasp, and that you just weren't good enough to make the cut. Hey, don't feel bad. There's always Barbie's Dream House ;)
Nikolas Nugraha
Nikolas Nugraha
average resonance (the shiny yellow circle) of an average f2p mostly will around 300, while the paid averaging 1-2k, some kraken even hit 5k. what is resonance? resonance u get from getting and upgrading the legendary gems, the higher u got the higher bonuses u get from your core equipment. e.g.: my sword has 1000 damage, with resonance 300, I get around less than 50% increase, imagine with the 5000 resonance that has way over 1k% bonuses. even there is a cap in BG for bonuses... still there is one other mode in the game combining pve aspect with pvp... e.g.: arena and vault raid that has no max cap rule like in BG... yup... they ruined that part of diablo for me. I don't mind getting demolished in pure pvp mode, since diablo has always been pve centric and gear collecting ever since d1, d2, d3... but when p2w aspect interjected to some pve content halting char progressions or even negate it... that is when diablo has lost it essences. all in all... tbh I still like the game, heck i prefer immortal than when d3 first release (looking at ya jay wilson!)
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Nikolas Nugraha
Nikolas Nugraha
a very fair review. paragon 64 here and so far still surviving without shelling out money. I agree the gameplay is a topnotch for a "free" game. as i see it... ppl who paid progress in hell difficulties much much faster. right now the average whales already have moved on to hell3, heck some of the kraken can even move to hell4 if they want it to. as f2p will be comfortably staying in hell2 for maybe another month or less depending how hardcore u grind. tbh the combat and everything is near flawless... the introduction of gear awakening does not as it hides behind a massive spending to be done. shame... if only they stick to the original plan of battlepass and skins only... this game wouldve been a perfect game for many years to come.
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Nikolas Nugraha
Nikolas Nugraha
blizzard doesnt force u to spend. all game features can be enjoyed without paying. it is all your decision. what im saying is... i can enjoy the game fully with zero spent and still able to survive all the way to hell4 with no problem
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