The Next Generation mobile battle royal game. Introducing the Call of Duty Warzone mobile.

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Our mission with Project Aurora, the codename for our new mobile title, is to bring friends, families, and people around the world together in a global community of diverse players with a fast-paced, precise, and high-quality Battle Royale action experience that delivers a fresh new way to play.   You may have heard whispers about Project Aurora already in the depths of Reddit or through speculation on YouTube, but we haven’t officially revealed anything yet. The game is still in development, and we are in the midst of our first gameplay test in the Project Aurora Closed Alpha. The Closed Alpha is limited in size and with it we are looking to simply start to improve tuning, stress test matches, identify and fix bugs, as well as collect feedback and insights on all aspects of the game as new features come online.    Participants in the Closed Alpha will not be sharing details publicly, but we will begin to post updates here. As development ramps up, so will the frequency of posts. For now, here is everything we can share:Q: Can I sign-up to play in the Project Aurora Closed Alpha?   A: No, the Closed Alpha is available only to a limited number of participants via direct invitation. However, we’ll be opening things up and adding more players throughout the Closed Alpha phase and beyond as we achieve development milestones. Keep an eye out for news on this through these posts or through future communications on the official announcement of the game.Q: Why a Closed Alpha and not available to all players?A: As Project Aurora is still deep in development, only a small number of participants are needed to help us achieve our goals at this stage.Q: When will Project Aurora be available for everyone?A: Trust us, we couldn’t be more excited about bringing this exciting experience to mobile gamers around the world, but we haven't officially announced even the name yet and don’t have a release date to share at this time. We will have many updates and posts before then and we will eagerly share the release date once it is finalized.Q: Where do I go if I need help with the Closed Alpha?A: Technical support during the Closed Alpha will be limited, but we have in-game channels for providing feedback and we’re regularly releasing patches and updates in-game to notify players of known issues, fixes, and more.Q: Will the locations and characters in the Closed Alpha be included in the final game?A: The content in the Project Aurora Closed Alpha is not final and is subject to change. Right now, were simply assessing the game’s large-scale Battle Royale gameplay mechanics on mobile devices.Q: Is the Closed Alpha fully optimized already?A: No, the intent of the Project Aurora Closed Alpha is to continue to optimize and refine the game by stress testing matches, improving performance and fidelity, and finding and fixing bugs while in active development.Q: Does the Closed Alpha feature everything that will be in the game?A: Not by a long shot. It’s just a slice of what we have in store. We will let you know about all the exciting things coming your way with Project Aurora in due time.Q: Will Closed Alpha progress roll over into the final game?A: No, all data and progression made during this Closed Alpha will be reset and is subject to deletion or reset at any-time during. Of course, once the game is finished and available globally, all progression will be saved. We are hard at work creating the very best experience for players around the world and are excited to be able to share in this journey with you, so stay tuned to addition updates here.
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