#Heroes Analysis# Blade Master, Woods Hunter, Wolf King - Who is the strongest hero?

Blade Master, Woods Hunter and Wolf King are all strong heroes in "Lord of War", one is a warrior, one is a ranger and one is an assassin, and they are all among the strongest in each profession.
The Blade Master's skills can increase damage, and also group damage, stun, reply, counterattack and other effects, can be said to be very comprehensive. Woods Hunter itself not only has a good output ability, but also has a certain control, whether it is the front and middle PVE or late PVP can have a very good play. The wolf king as an assassin, the back row 221% damage is still very scary, while the accompanying poisoning effect continues to deduct blood and passive skills Edge Tracking with will also hit higher damage. Savage Roar brings the stun effect and increase the effect of damage also let the wolf king damage more explosive.
So which hero do you think is the strongest? You can leave your opinion in the comments section.
#Hero Analysis# Wolf King - the power of a wolf with the will of a man
# Hero Analysis # Woods Hunter - the lurker inside the forest
Hero Analysis of Blade Master - known as the version of the strongest hero
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