Happy N7 Day! The next Mass Effect game is coming

It feels like it's been forever since BioWare wrapped up the original Mass Effect trilogy. I guess it has been ten years! Wow!
And then there was whatever Mass Effect: Andromeda was supposed to be. The less said about that, the better.
But I'm still a huge fan of Mass Effect and cannot wait to see what BioWare has in store for the future of its sci-fi RPG franchise. The studio didn't have a lot of news to share for this year's N7 Day, but they at least provided an update on the next Mass Effect game.
Mostly the post is just a reminder that they're working on the game and a chance to meet some of the team members behind it. But they did throw in a very tiny glimpse at something special at the end.
"We've intercepted some strange footage from one of the monitoring stations in known space. It could be nothing, but..."
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