Battle Prime - A "Prime" Example of How Neglect & Mismanagement Killed Its Own Future

The first time I opened the game and played my first match, I was blown away. The game does looks really good.  But after a couple weeks, I've noticed some significant flaws in the game that seemingly been plaguing this game. From my own experience playing this game, there are a couple things I genuinely like and interested in. Also some key things that threw me off. These are what I found..
It's an arena based first/third-person shooter with familiar game modes, such as; team deathmatch, control, domination, search-and-destroy type of mode, with their own twist. The game revolves around its characters/agents called "Prime", with their own skills that (suppose to) set them apart from each other and their "preferable" sets of loadouts. There are a surprisingly amount of maps available here, reaching up to 20+ if I remember it correctly. Some are good, some.. felt bad to explore and weirdly designed.
There are plenty of guns and attachment to choose. You can choose any guns that fits your playstyle from; close to long range, slow but deadly, or the ones with faster fire rates. You can equip Skills, both active and passive, to be utilized strategically in battles. Some good for rushing and flanking, some makes you tankier or faster, some have the ability to scan enemies or heal you and your team, and many more. The characters are more like skins and loadout templates, because once you unlocked a new Prime you can just equip any existing skills and loadouts of the characters you already owned into any Prime you want without any downside or penalties.
As a person who is so used to with hero/class-based shooter, I found it pretty bizarre. Well, maybe the dev intended to let players have more freedom on customization. But, still, locking away skills and abilities behind supposedly unlockeable characters, making it like its character exclusive and also not at the same time? It doesn't make much sense for me.
Lastly, let's talk about the "not-so-good" part of this game..
I could agree with their "console level graphics" claim. The game is indeed have really good graphics, even on its lowest graphic settings. But I think that could also be a problem. Despite the game is fairly optimized for mid range to flagship phones, I believe the game would runs that smoothly on a lower end devices. And we all know that, if you wanna make your self a name in the mobile shooter market, you got to make your game well optimized virtually on any range of devices.
The game's UI, in my opinion, is just horrible. It might be a little too confusing and overwhelming for new players to understand and to just navigating the menu. In every corner of their menu, they'll force you to see buttons with numbers on it, that basically forces you to pay. And that lead me to my next point;
I'm a type of person who doesn't really mind spending money on games I like, as long as they have a reasonable price, good in quality, and holds an actual value. Guns, loadouts, characters, are locked behind a really long and tedious progression system. In order to level up your characters and weapons to get more gears, you just need to play with them. For someone like me, who are only casual players and only have 1-2 hours max daily to play gamse, it'll take a pretty long time. But, if you want to level up much faster and unlock more gears than any other players, you gotta pay.
It's so frustrating that, every characters and guns has their own specific XP item. You can't use XP items of a specific gun to level up other guns. There are daily and weekly missions you can do for "free rewards". But instead of giving you the actual free rewards or bonus XP, it'll give you literal damn store discount coupons and they're practically useless if you're not planning to spend a single dime in the game.
The items available on the store aren't even that good of a value. They're lazy, uninspired, just a bunch of copy-paste simple PSD texture files on top of different guns that almost looked like duct tapes or colored plastic wrapper. Any items that aren't Legendary tier are basically have no value, actual junks in my opinion.
The game at its core gameplay is actually interesting. They quite hit their "console level graphics" claim. It does visually good, but the audio, eh, not so much. The game is suffering many issues from tedious progression system, outdated and overwhelming UI to navigate and awfully hideous paid items quality. The lobbies are full of bots, and even if the game decides to put me with another players, they will be players that already has better gears and way ahead of me. So far I've only had matches with 2 real players on each side, the rest of players are just bots. I've also heard people saying how the game been plagued hackers and cheaters too.
And it seems like their dev team has basically neglected this game for a really long time too. The game aren't receiving regular updates anymore, only once in a while each 2-3 months. I've seen no actual marketing efforts, either in a form of ads or sponsored contents. I didn't even know the game until last month while scrolling through TapTap. Their social media accounts are basically dead, literally haven't posted anything since 2017-2018. I heard that the devs are currently focusing on another project called Project Rush B, and basically abandoned this game.
If you're looking for good shooter games with game modes such as; Team Deathmatch, Control Point, etc, I suggest you just go back to/try Call of Duty Mobile, T3 Arena, or Apex Legends instead. There are tons of better titles that are currently available on the market right now, and this one is definitely not that worth your time.
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Prinz (drop a follow)
Prinz (drop a follow)
The sniping scopes are amazing.. better than codm and pubg..
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i agree. they handled scope better than some popular mobile fps on the market rn
I loved it overall, game play wise. But the lagging, buffering, freezing up is too much. The biggest complaint was buying anything, it keep telling me I already owned it for everything I tried to buy. then I got a $1.99 subscription that took, but when I tried to end it it would never give me a way to end it and continue to take $1.99 even though I didn't want to. I tried five or six times to contact someone within this game's foundation never got a response. 👎 because of that!!
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this is outrageous honestly. they should've take customer service more seriously, especially about in-game purchases. microtransaction in this game is messy, and also pretty much low in quality compared to other games from small devs alike such a shame that rumors are saying that they're kind of abandoned this game to focus on their new project, a search-and-destroy type of game called Rush B
I never spent money on this game and have ALL snipers maxed. 2-3 days playing the game, you can easily level up the rank of your weapon. I got in 5 days 8k points in Ranked games as a sniper and Trust me, i have cod mobile since the beta and this game was so much more Fun. Take your First vídeo as example... Using the wrong equipments in your gun, probably Just to say bad things about the game!? I don't know. .. Let me give u good news. Old players from Apex and Cod Mobile (beta testers including me and my guild) are playing this game. Wanna talk about Transactions and T3 arena in the same text? Really? T3 Arena Lost players for a simple reason: Loot Boxes. 0,001% to get something... "Good". T3 Arena Still the same trash since the ALPHA! COD Mobile selling Mythical skin for $300. A simple stup1d skin to a weapon. Apex Stilo BORING and ALL this games have season pass. At least the season pass from Battle Prime is Just cosmetic. I love to test FPS games and YES, this game is amazing. You Just need to practice more!
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first of all, "wrong equipment", it's not like i have a choice to pick and choose any equipments i want without leveling up. i only played the game for a week and i don't have any intention to say anything negative just because i don't like it. i just say whatever that came to my mind after playing it my self secondly, i play a lot fps games on pc. there's no right or wrong way to set up your loadout. they're just a matter of preference. i can't imagine how many hours you've spent on the game in a single day, to "have ALL snipers maxed" i only have so little time due to my work and only able to play the game around 1-3 matches a day. of course I'd pick "the wrong equipment", because these are the ONLY thing i had
Google play
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Good review, tbh the market is oversaturated with fps/tps games, maybe that too is a considering factor that this game didnt do well.
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yeah the market is indeed oversaturated. but being unique can be a big differentiate. and that's what battle prime lack of. good graphic was their only main selling point for me, the rest of the game are just your average mobile shooter games
Kim TapTap
Kim TapTap
Great review and it seems like you really do care about this game! I gotta say though, the game is like 3 years old now and by mobile game standards it's already a long time. I heard that the dev team is working on a new game called Project Rush B so to me it seems like they just put most of their focus and effort on this next big game. Probably this is the main reason why this game is not well supported anymore?
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yeah it's just so sad that i didn't found the game sooner and now the dev is basically just forget about it and move to another project. im not a fan of tactical shooter but im looking forward for Rush B to see if they'd still able to deliver the same quality
Leandro Januzzi
Leandro Januzzi
this is the only fps that i like to spend time. cod mobile i dont know, i cant like this game, bullet impacts on enemies are too meh for me. this game is more like MW2 10.000x more than codm
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