The Excavation of Hob's Barrow

Thrilling Victorian point and click adventure
Is this game a masterpiece? It is a damn good example of an accessible point and click adventure. As long as you are not looking for a difficult game, this is a masterpiece.
The story is thrilling and well-presented, you really want to know what is inside the mysterious barrow. It is also (relatively) easy and (rather) short, I finished it without any cheating in 2 days (about 8 hours playing time). All puzzles are logical and make sense (maybe apart from the final part in the barrow, where I used a bit of trial and error). It has a goat (or two), but the puzzles to get around are not that hard. The story has a happy ending... there were two men laughing and going to church in the end, so what?
Technically there is nothing to complain, it has all the modern QoL features we have come to expect from a modern pnc adventure. Great voice acting, easy inventory management, no dead ends, no mazes, cloud saves. Double click on an exit to speed up leaving the location, it even comes with a "to do" list and a map for fast travelling. I finished it with 33 of 40 cheavos on Steam.
Best point and click adventure I played this year. It is only mid-January, though.
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Ahhhh I'm so excited to see other people talking about this game! It's so so good and didn't get nearly enough love when it came out last year.
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