High Energy Heroes launches in China, and I couldn't be more excited

High Energy Heroes is finally here, but it’s only available in China. I’ve been looking forward to this game for a while ever since it was announced a couple of weeks ago. It’s basically the same as Apex Legends Mobile, but with a few twists in visuals and gameplay to make it a little different.
Fortunately enough, you don’t necessarily have to be in China to download the game. You can follow this set of instructions and download the game directly from TapTap and install it. The only little hoop you’ll need to jump over is the login. I think you need someone to scan a QR code via WeChat or you’ll need a WeChat login, which might be a bit difficult to do. But once you’re in, it doesn’t seem like there’ll be any issues anymore aside from network connection.
I’m personally really excited about High Energy Heroes, but I won’t be playing the game on the China server since I live in Australia. I’ll probably wait until the game releases in more regions that are near me so I don’t encounter any technical issues like lagging or freezing. But I really hope that happens soon because I’m itching to hop into the action.
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