Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
Dark Mine ภาพหน้าจอเกม
เพิ่มเติมRetro-Style Action Platform At the brink of the abyss, humanity dug tunnels into the groud to protect their humanity from the dark outside. The star, who once sheld glare and heat to the world of man is now torn apart, craked in pieces lost forever in the depths. Strange creatures populate the endless maze of corridors they created under the surface, all moved by the endless search for the last light. The last city of man resisted, but its fate is doomed, if no one can bring back the last piece of the star from the bottom of the Dark Mine. Features: - Random generated dungeons to explore and loot - Each depth has its own monsters - 6 bosses to defeat to reach the end - Old-fashion life system: if they end up, it's all from the beginning - Important information - This game contains third party advertising provided by AdMob.


15 การให้คะแนน



Dark Mine
Dark Mine
Dark Mine is an RPG mobile adventure mobile game with lots of story contents. The gameplay is not that hard to understand and with all those tutorials guiding you, it can easily be played. When I played this game, I felt like playing Minecraft games, little bit of similarity could be seen in both of these games in terms of graphics. By the way, I love how we get to collect things while going on the adventure in the game and then use it instantly for different purposes. Like, there’s an option where we collect bomb and we can collect it in total of five for one time but, it is used instantly so, no worries collect as much as you can. There’s also different treasure box found in the tunnel as you exceed in the game, and collecting coins is too much fun. I really liked the concept of using bombs to break the walls and clear the path, also to get the treasure you need to use the bomb sometimes. There’s an option where you can also use shovel to clear your path and get the treasure.

Dark MIne: A Short Game Review

Dark Mine
Dark Mine
So we are going abit Retro Style Action Platformer here with this mobile game. If you remember the game called Shovel Knight Dig ( Available for Apple Arcade and Stream) This game reminds me alot of that type of gameplay but with a more retro style and no upgrades. The game we are looking at today is called Dark Mine Developed by XAxis Summary: At the brink of the abyss, humanity dug tunnels into the ground to protect their society from the dark outside.

You are Humanities last hope! Search for the last Star... - Dark Mine Mobile Game Review

Searching for the last star! - Dark Mine Review

Searching for the last star! - Dark Mine Review

Dark Mine - Gameplay Review | Cool Arcade RPG Adventure Game!

Dark Mine - Gameplay Review | Cool Arcade RPG Adventure Game!

Weekly HIT - These six new games are worth your attention

Weekly HIT - These six new games are worth your attention

TapTap Editor
Dark Mine
Dark Mine
I am strongly in favor of the indie gaming trend to simplify, especially for mobile gaming.  Dark Mine accomplished this goal as well as setting a good level of difficultly.  Unfortunately the control layout is so bad that it adds to the difficulty.  After blowing myself up with a bomb for the 20th time when all I wanted to do was hit a spider with a pickaxe, I uninstalled the game.

Great Concept Ruined by Terrible Controls

Jared Noe
Dark Mine
Dark Mine
If you have the time to spare, Dark Mine provides a great opportunity to enjoy a decent casual, retro-style game about digging tunnels and killing monsters. The game’s straightforward and doesn’t really hide anything. What you see is what you get—and what you get is an easy-to-understand, pixel platformer with enough action to keep you busy for a short while. In Dark Mine, I needed to learn only a few things: tunnel down into the earth to collect light and kill any monster in my way. The game revolves around collecting light as it’s the only thing that keeps all the spooky, scary monsters at bay. This light diminishes over time, and if I didn’t collect enough before that happened, the game ended.
Jay Hunter
Dark Mine Gameplay | New Release

Dark Mine Gameplay | New Release

Dark Mine
Dark Mine
This game has endless tunnels. I didn't enjoy it that much because the task and the game itself are repetitive. You just need to dig down until you reach the bottom, although there are obstacles and enemies to eliminate, I don't really find it interesting. But if you liked this game, you can play it with your friends or family. The one who will reach the deepest is the winner.

You'll find this game interesting too, especially when playing it with your friends or family.

Dark Mine
Dark Mine
It isn’t any hard to play. The gameplay is simple: just clicking. If you face some high rocks, what you need to do is just find the right moment, hold the jump button and then click the forward button. One tip is, don’t be near the bomb you put. I admire the hitting sound effects, it sounds like it was recorded from the real thing. I would definitely recommend this game to my peers.

Never thought that mining can be this fun.
