國際服Snail Games USA, Inc.
更多《黑暗與光明手游》是一款搭載虛幻4引擎的魔幻生存沙盒手游,為玩家呈現了一個廣袤多樣的無縫大世界,不同的魔法元素充斥其中,孕育出了不同的魔幻生物與特殊地形。 在遊戲中,你可以自由建造房屋、馴養魔幻生物、自定義魔法研習科技,穿梭於多個服務器之間,與其他玩家協作、對抗,盡情發揮創意,享受魔幻沙盒世界的無限可能。
The gameplay experience is trash; why should it receive a rating of -1 or 0? The reason is that the game developer released a game that appears to still be in the early stages of development. You rush things, which makes the game seem shaky. It is also full of bugs and isn't optimised for mobile devices. By the way, I'm using an 8 gen 1 Snapdragon with 16GB of RAM, so you can't blame me; the problem is with your game. The worst part is that the latency is always high.
🧐𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐏𝐥𝐚𝐲𝐞𝐫𝐬' 𝐐&𝐀: 1. Regarding server transfers, what conditions are required to move to a new server? Currently, only the AS01 region's server relocation is open. For other regions, please follow the game announcements.
2.Is the ownership of the Knight's server refreshed every hour or every 24 hours? We only calculate based on the last occupying guild. The server naming is refreshed every 24 hours.