Snail Games USA, Inc.
更多《帝國文明2》是一款令人沉浸的戰略策略遊戲,我們致力於讓每位玩家輕鬆享受遊戲的樂趣。 在這個遊戲中,您將重返古代,建立屬於自己的偉大文明。 首先,我們將提供一個廣闊的世界,七大洲的真實地圖等著您去探索。 您可以選擇自己的領土,發展內政和外交,建立城市,培養軍隊,成為一個文明的奠基者。 其次,遊戲著重歷史還原,您將與諸多史詩英雄一同決戰,重現古城輝煌。 這些英雄有著獨特的技能和潛力,將成為您軍隊的強大支持。 歷史名城也等待您的統治,充滿了資源和機會。 遊戲中,您將面對多樣化的兵種和陣型,戰爭策略的選擇將決定勝負。 我們鼓勵玩家透過智慧和策略來獲得勝利,而不僅僅依賴數值。 最重要的是,我們始終堅持公平競技,沒有VIP特權,也沒有無腦數值比拼。 《帝國文明2》真正考驗的是您的策略智慧和團隊協作。 我們希望每位玩家都能輕鬆投入遊戲,享受挑戰和成就的樂趣。 總而言之,我們的目標是創造一款親民化的遊戲,讓玩家們體驗到策略遊戲的樂趣,不管您是新手還是老手,都能在《帝國文明2》找到屬於自己的樂趣和挑戰。
"Conquest of Empires 2 is an amazing game that is truly immersive and addictive.
Firstly, the graphics of the game are exquisite. Every detail is handled perfectly, whether it's the grand battle scenes or the beautiful city buildings. It seems to bring players into that era of empires full of legends and glories.
The gameplay is rich and diverse with great depth. Elements such as strategic planning, resource management, and military command are perfectly integrated. Players need to think carefully about every decision, and this challenge allows them to fully exert their wisdom and strategy.
Dear players, The new Civilization Treasure Mode will be launched soon. Global Servers 1-4 and 5-8 are expected to conduct cross-server battles in the near future and start this mode first. Players on Global Server 9-12 around the world will enter this mode after settling the current season's event rewards on August 25.
The basic rules of this mode will be adjusted as follows: In the ancient country area:
The upcoming Civilization Treasure Mode
Take you to play COE 2, the advanced chapter: victory and defeat judgment and different troop units
This article focuses on:
1. Rules for determining the outcome of the battle
2. Introduction of troop units
Ⅰ. Rules for determining the outcome of the battle:
Battle outcomes in COE 2 are typically one of the following: victory, defeat, tie, lose-lose, and no battle. Among them, victory and defeat are mutually exclusive endings, one side wins, the other side will be defeated. No fighting is because the other side has activated peacetime or the destination has been occupied by their own side. The following are specific cases: