I found the game to be cute and charming... and mildly addictive. It's a tower defense game with elements from the show Wipe Out! and it's awesome. Basically, players set traps in a tower defense game setting, and these traps hinder or eliminate enemies from getting into the finish line... kinda like Wipe Out! in fact.
I like that it has a very unique concept, unlike any tower defense game I've played so far. Each trap is unique, and has its own function, and most are just hilarious too.
Players can get creative with their trap design, and it is the best part of the game in my opinion. Sometimes though, players have to be practical and have to opt for more of the more powerful traps.
Overall, it's a fun outrageous game, and a good one for fans of tower defense. It's unique and imaginative, and the design is cute. Great game!
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